Poster session

Reception of poster reports until November 1, 2019.

The cost of publishing a poster report is 3000 rubles. (incl. VAT 20%)

Only registered and paid full registration fee participants can participate in the poster session!

For reviewing, poster reports are uploaded to your account in the form of a thesis marked “POSTER”.

To send a poster, write a letter to the email:

General requirements for reviewing poster reports:

  • Only registered and paid full registration fee participants can participate in the poster session!
  • Posters should reflect the purpose, materials and research methods, the results obtained and the conclusion - without tables and figures
  • It is not allowed to publish more than 2 posters from one author
  • Maximum 2 pages (3000 characters)

After the reviewer's positive decision, the poster report will be assigned a number, according to which you will be given a place to be placed in the “Poster Zone”.

Requirements for the design and presentation of poster reports at the event

  • A poster report (approved by the scientific committee of the conference on time) is presented on December 4, 2019 from 8:00 in the "Poster Zone"
  • The poster is taken on a paper sheet of A1 format (size 594x841 mm), the orientation of the sheet is vertical. POSTER OF ANOTHER FORMAT WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED.
  • On the poster itself, tables, graphs, pictures - WELCOME!
  • The poster is attached by the author in the prescribed place according to the assigned number. Attachment facilities are issued on site.
  • Poster report can be presented in Russian or English.
  • The text of the poster report should contain sections: the name of the work, the names and initials of the authors, the names of the institutions, the telephone number and email address of the authors for communication, the logo of the institution is allowed. Poster structure: purpose, materials and research methods, results obtained, discussion and conclusion. Figures and tables should be accompanied by detailed signatures. References to used literature are possible.

Posters do not meet the above requirements or submitted without confirmation of payment will not be posted.